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Friday, 24 July 2015

How to find out who deleted you from Facebook

Hello World,
Today I present the final application that actually works to know who blocked us and removed the friendship on Facebook
For anyone who has an account for a long time you will probably have many friends on his list, easier than any of these have taken off without the friendship that we could notice it, but from now on you can easily find out

Probably some people do not even malice, it can happen that having too many friends means having too much stuff on the bulletin board or notifications too.
At this point you decide to make a list of your contacts, and unless you have a bond beyond knowledge with the other person you may want to delete it

But you are curious about who took away the friendship Facebook?
You can use Who Deleted Me, an app for Smartphone that works very well, you will find the download link at the bottom of the post for Android and Apple

Who Deleted Me also works as an extension or add-on for Firefox, Chrome and Opera, and allows us to know who has removed from its list of friends

Furthermore Who Deleted tells me not only those who have eliminated from their contact list, but also those that we have eliminated over time, those to which we have turned off the news and those with whom we became friends recently

The operation is very simple, you just install and open the application by authenticating with your Facebook profile, so Who Deleted Me synchronize the current contact list this in your Facebook profile
Just the app, the next time you access, will compare the list with friends she had before the current one, so it will be able to tell you who has removed you from friends or those who have taken away or added

Obviously Who Deleted Me does not work in the past, but will start its course only to the time of installation and authentication, that is the time 0
From then on, however, you know all the people that you have deleted on Facebook

I recommend you install the app because extensions for browsers are much slower
I leave the links to download them

Download | Who Deleted me for Android
Download | Who Deleted me for Apple
Download | Who Deleted me for Chrome
Download | Who Deleted me for Firefox
Download | Who Deleted me for Opera

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