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Tuesday 10 November 2015

How to be invisible on WhatsApp with iPhone and iPad

Hello World,
Today we'll show you a simple trick to be invisible on WhatsApp, ie you can read the messages that come to you on the chat without others to know that you have them beds
This we can do by updating of WhatsApp is available for iPhone, the operation is very simple to make and affordable for all

You can then read but also respond to messages without being online on WhatsApp, so you can safely use your chat without knowing your contacts that you are available and without being shown the "Online" or the words "He is writing .."

To do this you need the following requirements
  • You must have Whatsapp updated to the latest version, it must be at least equal to or greater than the version 2.12.10, so check if you have to do updates
  • You must have updated your iOS at least version 9.1, which is the operating system of your phone / tablet
  • You do not have to have the option of unlocking or security code enabled on your phone

Once you have verified that you have all the requirements written above then you can be invisible on Whatsapp, let's see how
First we must go on the application of WhatsApp, and then enter the options in "Advanced Settings", and here you have to disable the notification of the '' last seen online "

To be invisible on Whatsapp we exploit the rapid response that was included with the latest updates on WhatsApp
Let me explain, when we receive a message on Whatsapp then we can read it, but also to respond, the same notification WhatsApp without going completely in the chat

Therefore it needs only pull down the curtain notification to read the message that has just arrived and the other person will not know if we have read or not
In fact we can also reply to the message, but other people will not know that we are online at Whatsapp

The only problem with this trick is that we can see a preview of media files such as photos or videos, we will have to see them to force to access and consequently will be online
In addition you can also answer calls on Whatsapp resulting always offline, you just do not fit entirely in the chat

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