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Wednesday 1 April 2015 how to eliminate ?gws_rd=ssl from address

Hello World,
Probably a bit 'of time that you happen typing the address in the address bar and going to the home page of Google, next you will see a string with these characters "?gws_rd=ssl"

First we must explain the reason for this strange text
There is no malware, virus, malfunction of the browser or whatever
The reason is that Google has added some time in the address https protocol for the protection of data from third-party agents, practically for better protection of safety.

The parameter ?gws_rd=ssl causes the start page is forced security protocol, because many people still have saved the address of Google with its old credentials.

So even if we access Google with the http protocol, without parameter 
?gws_rd=ssl, your home page is forced to safety and automatically we address appears as

To eliminate this strange string then just access the settings of your browser, whatever it is (Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Opera, Safari).

How to eliminate ?gws_rd=ssl with Google Chrome
On Chrome will just go to Menu> Settings> startup> Open a specific page or set of pages, and then click "Setup pages".
In the popup that appears, you can Correct the address from https to http just like in the picture
Finally, click OK, restart Chrome and the change takes effect

How to eliminate ?gws_rd=ssl with Firefox
On Mozilla Firefox you have to go to Tools> Options> General and in "Home" you have to change the address from https to Click OK and restart your browser

How to eliminate ?gws_rd=ssl with Internet Explorer
In Internet Explorer go to Start> Control Panel> Network and Internet> Internet Options
Then access to the "General" and "Home" transform address from https to http, confirm with OK and restart your browser

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